What Does it Taste Like?

Cauliflower has a mild, slightly nutty flavor with a hint of sweetness. Its texture is firm yet tender when cooked, with a bit of a crunch if eaten raw. This makes it incredibly adaptable, as it can be roasted to a golden crisp or blended into a silky puree.

Varieties we grow



This variety boasts a striking purple hue and a slightly sweeter flavor compared to traditional cauliflower. Its vibrant color can turn to a more muted shade when cooked, but it retains its delightful, mild taste.

Why Should I Eat It?

  • Rich in Vitamins: High in vitamin C and K, which support immune function and bone health.
  • High in Fiber: Contributes to digestive health and helps maintain a feeling of fullness.
  • Antioxidants: Contains antioxidants like beta-carotene and quercetin, which help combat inflammation and oxidative stress.
  • Low in Calories: A great option for those looking to manage their weight.
  • Cauliflower

    May - December

    Cauliflower, with its delicate white florets and understated charm, stands out as a versatile vegetable that can adapt to almost any culinary style. Far more than just a bland side dish, cauliflower offers a blank canvas for vibrant flavors and inventive cooking methods. Its creamy, yet subtle nature makes it a beloved ingredient for chefs and home cooks alike.

    Recommended Storage

    How Do I Store It?

    Short Term

    • Refrigeration: Store in the vegetable crisper of your fridge, ideally in a perforated plastic bag to maintain freshness. Use within 1-2 weeks for best quality.

    Long Term

    • Freezing: Yes, cauliflower can be frozen. Blanch florets in boiling water for 3 minutes, then cool in ice water before freezing in airtight containers or bags. This method maintains its flavor and texture well.
    • Pickling: Cauliflower can be pickled, resulting in a tangy, crunchy snack. Simply submerge in a vinegar-based brine with spices.

    How Do I Cook It?

  • Roasting: Toss in olive oil, salt, and spices, then roast at 400°F (200°C) until golden brown and tender.
  • Steaming: Steam until tender for a simple, healthy side dish.
  • Sautéing: Cook in a skillet with a bit of oil until lightly browned and crispy.
  • Blending: Blend into a creamy soup or mash as a low-carb alternative to potatoes.
  • Grilling: Grill florets for a smoky flavor and charred edges.
  • What Goes Well With It?

  • Garlic: Enhances its mild flavor with aromatic depth.
  • Lemon: Adds brightness and a refreshing contrast.
  • Cumin: Offers an earthy, warm note that complements cauliflower’s subtlety.
  • Cheddar Cheese: Melts into a creamy, rich topping or mix-in.
  • Turmeric: Provides a warm, golden color and earthy flavor.
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